Saturday, August 30, 2014

Our Scentsy/Velata Story

In September of 2013, Preston and I joined the Scentsy family after I hosted my first party. I had wanted to host a party for quite a while but never had the "perfect" time to. In that time period Preston and I got married and for our wedding present Joel and Jari gave us the Crinkle plug-in and some bars. I LOVED IT! :) A little while later I went to a silent auction where someone had donated a warmer and other wonderful Scentsy products. I HAD to have it. At first I was the only one really bidding on it. Then, towards the end it came to me and one other girl. As they were counting down the last 10 seconds I was writing down my last bid. PHEW! I got it! You have no idea how excited I was. (I had even gone a little over-budget... Oops.)

I had told myself that I wasn't going to sign up for Scentsy. I had convinced myself the moment that I had heard of Scentsy that I wasn't going to sign up. Then, after having a VERY successful party and having my consultant, Jari, offer me to start out by giving me the orders I had received from my party I couldn't say no. The party was fun and easy and a great time to spend with friends. No one was really obligated to stay for more than 20 minutes. That was nice.
Recently, we have also become consultants for Velata, part of the Scentsy family. We love food and spending time with friends and family! Velata is bringing those times back and we want to be a part of the beginning of it.

Scentsy and Velata started out as just some fun money but now we are looking at it more seriously to become something bigger. We would really like to own our own house someday soon and I would like to be able to stay home with our son, Marshall. This is our way of making that happen.

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